Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here is Phase two of the tank, I got fancy and added mental ray light tracing. headlight are now on and the blash armor is now behind the tank. Enjoy, now the fun part the textureing.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here is Phase 1 of the russian tank I am putting in a sceen that i am making that has to do with WWZ. If you dont know about this book you might want to read it. hope you guys like it. By the way since there is not lighting added to the model yet and notice that some texture is missing you know why. Come on now this is phase 1 of 3.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ford gt so far

The front of the car is almost done. I still need to add in the bottom fog lights which should not take that long. another day and the front will be done. Then I can start to mold the rest of the car from there. I think I need to make the cars front longer it looks a little push in and to short.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ok this dam car is done, it did not come out the way I thought It would so I made it into a toy stock car. This is still going into my portfolio just in the far back. I will revisted this car model and not do the mistakes that I did with this model. Enjoy

Sunday, September 12, 2010

car is about 70% done and took about 40 hrs to make. all that need to be done now is the wing, color texture, bump map, mirrors and blacking out the inside of the tires.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

all we need now is the build the wing for the back (five min) and texture it and plug the wheels on and deal with the window and this bad boy is done.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the concept car is almost done. I would say it is about 70% complete. I still have to fine tune some tweeks that are with in the verts and edges.

Monday, August 23, 2010

new car design

OK the old car did not pan out to well but I think that it was for the better. I did this in about an hour and as you can see this way the car is more define

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

updated car

Here is the updated car model that I am doing, the windows have been punch into shape and the lines for the doors are set in. this model was not made from a block but a single little plane.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ok I guess I will be the first to post progress in the this mouths project. This is the early 3d model so far. I used a copy and paste method of edge and vert modeling that is used allot in the game industry called shell modeling. If you ever played a game that had cars in or object and if you got too close you could see through them. That is because they where shell modeled. These models take up way less memory and are easy to work with. Will have a finished basic model done next weekend. @ more weeks till final models presentation.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

concept project car

Here is the start of the comcept car It is in model mode I should have a shell of the car done by this weekend. if I am not heading home all pissed off.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ok Boys and girls the new Battle whale as been updated and recolored apone request. I am saying good bye to this Whale to start oon a new project but this Whale will be going into my Portfolio. This whale I got down from 16,000 polys to 10,000 polys by applying some tricks. I have also added a new texture map and normals map for the bump texture and scaring on the whale.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Live Racing League logo

This is a logo I did a while back for a friends website

The Battle Whale is done. As I said in the last post I was looking for a style and choose to go with the borderlands cell shading style. The design of the whale was done by Mike Katey. This is a none rigged model. If the model was going to be rigged then I would have to do the UV mapping and texture all over again. The poly count is a little height topping in at 16,000 poly's but if this was a level that would be really good. I have to work on that poly count total. The mapping was done at 1024 x 1024 and there was no need for a bump mapping since this was a cartoon/ dirty cell shading.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ok everyone I decided to go with a Boarderlands kind of cell shadding for this one. Remeber it only has a normal map on it I have not yet put the bump on it. I still need to create the city. I think it looks good.